Thursday, 14 October 2010

Exhibit B: Pseudocyesis dioscorea. After a diet consisting solely of starchy tubers during pregnancy, the 23-year old patient gave birth to a yam. Labouring for 38 hours the dioscorean neonate was born on the 25 of september. Recorded weight 4780g. Father unknown.

Exhibit G: Third eye, also know as Polyocularism or Oculus Erraticae. 65-year old man with a supernumerary photoreceptive eye positioned in the palm of his right hand. The visual acuity of the third eye measured 20/20 on the Snellen Chart test and the ocular motility proved unimpaired by the palmar muscles. The man was considered to have clarivoyant abilities and regarded as a gyananakashu or "enlighted" by the local hindu community.

Exhibit D: Trichomesia of the palms and soles. Listed as a "rare disease" by the Office of Rare Diseases (ORD) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The absence of glabrous skin caused the development of hair follicles in the palms of the 29-year old at the age of 13. A record length of 25" was measured when palms were left untrimmed. Man exhibited symptoms of antisocial behaviour. Having lived for many years as a hermit, he would habitually groom and braid the vellus hair on his hands and feet.

Exhibit I: Fausto's Disease or cardiacal regression. After being rejected by his partner, a failed suicide attempt caused mutations in the thoracic cavity. The inhibited heart formation and decreasing myocardium has reduced the organ to the size of a human featus'. The deepening cavity and dermatological reddening can be seen on the concave torso.

Exhibit C: Feral man. The 30-year old bachelor and council office employee started showing signs of feralization after the passing of his border collie. The inappropriate sniffing and rubbing of his posterior against the leg of a female collegue led to his dismissal. He retorted to a diet of raw meat and habitually participated in aggressive displays with other canines. In his flat was later discovered five collie pups which the patient treated as his brood. Re-domestication unsuccessful


Exhibit E: Ectoplasm recorded in 39-year old mother of two. After the passing of her parents, the woman, with no history of previous mental instability or paranormal beliefs, regularly started producing diaphanous substances from orifices of her body. Somnambulant trances and subsequent lapses in memory recorded. The substances would on analysis prove to contain foreign flakes of human skin, strings of blond hair, and gossamer textiles.
Exhibit F: Brassica oleracea of the external auditory meatus and auricle. The homeless man of unkown age complained of "an itching in the brain" and aural hallucinations before the onset of the fractal green fungi. The mycosis, a form of yeast infection, and the mycelia growing through the mans cerebral cortex would regularly produce vibrant phantasms and alterations in personality, including frequent swearing and delusions of grandeur.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010


Exhibit A: A Severe case of vorarephilic autosarcophagy and sanguinarian vampirism in Ukrainian twins. Separated at birth, the patients, after having been reunited at the onset of puberty, started to develop a rare form of autocannibalism. Symptoms included suckling of wounds, compulsive eating of hair and nails and skin (trichophagia) and the licking of flesh and face.